Friday, August 20, 2010


Friday Aug. 20th
Ted went to the urologist today for an appointment. All the testing done during surgery came back cancer free! God is an awesome God!!!
He cleared Ted to drive, he said Ted was doing wonderful.
Larry drove to Roanoke Thursday evening. Darlene and Larry are leaving going back to S.C. on Saturday. You have to know Ted is doing well or his sister would not leave him.
Ted was 5 and I was 7 and Janet was 11 when our parents divorced. Darlene was 15. When our mother had to go to work, Darlene stepped up and care for us. She has never stopped!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Recuperating at home

Wed. Ted is recuperating at home. The home health nurse came today and said he was doing better than she expected. He did take a short walk today with Darlene, trying to get his strength back.

Monday, August 16, 2010

9:30 They just got home. It was a long hard trip. Alot of traffic in Baltimore.
God please cover them with you peace and love.

He is coming home!!!!!

Roanoke; get ready to take care of them the Keiths are coming home. Praise the Lord.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Not much happens in the hospital on Sunday.

A day of healing and resting. Not just Ted but the whole family that is there are tired. It is exhausting on Tammy. She just keeps going. The family is trying to get her to rest, but not always happening. The hospital has said that after Ted is released they would like for them to stay in Baltimore one more day just so he is close. Of course the family wants to get out of dodge as soon as possible.