Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Second short treatment

5-7-10 "Another short treatment, I soon found out that steroids were my friends. I was a little sick before, during & after the treatment. I was happy when I arrived home that 2 men from the church had cut and weeded the yard. Praise God for that. Even though I have had 4 treatments, (halfway) I realized this is getting harder. I am getting cards, call and notes from church, friends & family. Even text messages that are of Bible scripture. This is very helpful & up lifting."

Psalm 29:11 The Lord will give strength to his people, The Lord will bless his people with peace.

While Ted is taking chemo treatments,Ted/Tammy daily remind themselves of the Bible verse:
Philippians 4-6 Pray about everything: tell God your needs... If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thought and your hearts quiet and at rest as your trust in Christ Jesus.

5-14-10 "This Friday no treatment. THANK GOD!!!. The temperature has started to creep up and that is unusual for this time of year. I continue to work, but with the temp. raising it is getting harder. The good new is more of the work is in early in the day and the a/c is getting a workout when I do get to my office. My in-laws visit, it is good to see them, bit I am easily nauseated by smells. My mother-in-lay is cutting an onion and that's all it takes to send the stomach over & over.

5-15-10 The family goes to eat at Red Lobster, which is Ted's and Barry's favorite restaurant. Ted has been looking forward to some real food. He eats Cajun Chicken Alfredo and it is a joy to see him being able to eat food that is not bland, but at 1:30am he is sick.
Sunday, wondering whether Ted will be able to make it to church. He has such a strong will. The next morning Ted gets up and dresses for church. He loves God and his fellow brothers & sisters in Christ. He stayed for 1/2 the service.
Their friend Phyllis gave Tammy a gift of an insulated lunch bag filled with snacks for her time in Baltimore during Ted's surgery. She is so thoughtful.

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