Friday, August 20, 2010


Friday Aug. 20th
Ted went to the urologist today for an appointment. All the testing done during surgery came back cancer free! God is an awesome God!!!
He cleared Ted to drive, he said Ted was doing wonderful.
Larry drove to Roanoke Thursday evening. Darlene and Larry are leaving going back to S.C. on Saturday. You have to know Ted is doing well or his sister would not leave him.
Ted was 5 and I was 7 and Janet was 11 when our parents divorced. Darlene was 15. When our mother had to go to work, Darlene stepped up and care for us. She has never stopped!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Recuperating at home

Wed. Ted is recuperating at home. The home health nurse came today and said he was doing better than she expected. He did take a short walk today with Darlene, trying to get his strength back.

Monday, August 16, 2010

9:30 They just got home. It was a long hard trip. Alot of traffic in Baltimore.
God please cover them with you peace and love.

He is coming home!!!!!

Roanoke; get ready to take care of them the Keiths are coming home. Praise the Lord.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Not much happens in the hospital on Sunday.

A day of healing and resting. Not just Ted but the whole family that is there are tired. It is exhausting on Tammy. She just keeps going. The family is trying to get her to rest, but not always happening. The hospital has said that after Ted is released they would like for them to stay in Baltimore one more day just so he is close. Of course the family wants to get out of dodge as soon as possible.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday 13th

Friday 13th is not always bad. Today Ted is eating real food, has been disconnected from all the wires and tubes. He has gone for 3 long walks. He has a balcony outside of his hospital room, pretty cool. God is a gracious and loving God. His presence is always with us. He has wrapped this family with love.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ted's address

Ted Keith
Room 222
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
600 North Wolfe Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21287

Moved to his own room!!!

Thurs. 6:30pm Finally Ted is moved out of ICU into his own room It is Room 222.
In ICU you can not visit between 6:30 and 8:30, so after waiting all day at 6:10pm they said they were moving him. His nurse ran with Ted in a wheelchair to the new floor and room. He had to get back to give his report. Darlene and Tammy are carrying all the stuff and they couldn't keep up with the nurse. A little bit of humor is always good!!!

Hospital is slow

Thursday afternoon: As good as Johns Hopkins Hospital is, one thing is that they are slow. If they say they are going to do an echo cardiogram in the next hour it is usually 3-4 hours. Ted is to be moved out of ICU and into a room this morning, it is 4:00pm and they are still waiting. Patience is needed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wed. evening
Just heard from Tammy and Darlene. Ted has been resting. He will stay in ICU tonight and maybe he will get out to go to his own room tomorrow.


Ted has been up and walked 2 laps around ICU. He is off the medication that was helping to keep his heart rate up. His heart rate is higher on his own, but is still fluctuating a little so he will stay in ICU one more night. Without the medication he is able to sleep and has been doing that most of today.
Barry and Gloria started driving back to West Virginia around noon. I(Penny) flew back to Cincy this morning, Larry (Darlene's husband) is currently waiting at the airport because now all the flights are delayed due to the storms, not in Baltimore but somewhere. Jonathan (Ted's nephew) and his girlfriend Ashley came to Baltimore on Tuesday evening to see Ted. They took Larry to the airport and then started their drive back to Gettysburg.
Now it is all on Darlene and Tammy. Janet (Ted's sister) and her husband Ron will be there on Thursday evening to stay for several days.
Thank the Lord for families that are supportive.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

7:45pm Ted is still in ICU. Hopefully he will sleep tonight because he hasn't all day. The ICU staff is wonderful. They are so attentive and caring. Ted keeps the nurses laughing, telling them stories and jokes.
11:30am Ted is resting, if people are in ICU with him he wants to entertain them. Tammy, Darlene, Gloria and Barry are at the hospital taking turns 2 at a time sitting with him. He is still getting ice chips and water. Medication has kept blood pressure up.
9:30am Ted will remain in ICU today and tonight. Blood pressure is staying up with the medication. PIC line is bothering him. He is still joking, saying he is in charge. Right!!
Nurses and residents are right by his side, very attentive. He is allowed sips of water now.


7:30am Ted is still in ICU. He is alert and joking with the nurse, Praise the Lord.
They can not keep his heart rate up. They have been trying to do this with the IV fluids all night. Now they are putting in a PIC line in his neck and they are giving him medication that will keep the heart rate up. God is giving Tammy strength, she has slept 2 hours only. At 3:00am she called the ICU and he was doing great. At 5:00 they called her back and said that they had gotten him up and put him in a chair, his blood pressure dropped again and they had to put him back to bed. That is when his pressure starting spiking again. So they started the medication.
Fear Not, for I am with you. Today we are standing on this promise.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Surgery is over

3:30pm Ted is in recovery. Surgery is over. Everything went good. Dr. Schoemberg said Ted's margins looked good. Lymph nodes, urethra, good. Pathology report will be back in a week.
Ted had no complications - so no ICU Praise God
He came through surgery great.!
He could not have the neobladder because he has short small blood vessels in his intestines. Not due to anything except the way he was born.
He has a conduit which is a bag on the outside. This was not Ted and Tammy's first choice. This was very hard for Tammy to hear. But the doctor said you must remember this is cancer surgery and my job is to make him cancer free and to survive.
It will be an adjustment but he can live a full life.
WE have all been impressed with the doctor. He is humble, honest, frank and caring.
Tammy will be able to see him in 1 hour. Then he will go to his room this evening.
This has been a long day of waiting.
Thanks to all of you that has surrounded Ted and Tammy in your prayers.
I will add more this evening.

surgery started

We left for the hospital at 5:00am
Before surgery they let all of us go back to see Ted.
Nick prayed over Ted with all of us joining hands and looking for God's direction. There were 9 of us there. The nurse representative called us the big family.
8:40am the patient representative came and said Ted was asleep and surgery had started.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

We are here!

Sunday 8-8-10 We arrived at the hotel. We are staying at the Residence Inn downtown Baltimore. It is only 3 miles from Johns Hopkins. We will be going to the hospital at 5am. Surgery is scheduled for 7:30am. Today Ted was on a liquid diet and he wanted the Italian dressing, he said it was clear and liquid, but Tammy said no.
Sunday evening Eddie Strickland and Nick Shaffer arrived at the hotel. It was a blessing for them to be here.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prayer is requested

Ted and Tammy are in Baltimore. Surgery starts at 7:30am Monday August 9th. Please start praying for healing and God's direction.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Comfort and strength comes from the Lord

7-29-10 As Ted was waiting for Tammy to get dressed to go for his last test he picked up a Gideon Bible. "I was thumbing through and I stopped at Psalms 23. The verses I had learned as a child has a new meaning. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me besides still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
I find great comfort and peace in these words. I remember my mother saying, "His words will give you a peace that passes all understanding". She was always right.

Friday, July 30, 2010

doctor's final check before surgery

Ted and Tammy traveled to Baltimore on Wed. night. Ted had his final scope on Thursday. Chemo did what it was suppose to. Dr. Schoemburg gave his ok for the surgery on Aug. 9th.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Final doctor visits before surgery

7-26-10 In the last two weeks Ted has had a physical, MRI and a CAT SCAN in Roanoke, he and Tammy also met with the anesthesiologist in Baltimore. They really like this doctor. She was very thorough. She spoke with Ted's cardiologist and general doctor is Roanoke and reviewed his medical records completely. She explains that Ted may have to go to ICU for a few days on a ventilator if there are any complications with his heart or breathing. It is better to know that up front; if the doctor said this after surgery, that would have been very scary.
This week Ted/Tammy travel back to Baltimore for the final scope. Dr. Schoenburg will determine what the chemo has done and what alternative Ted will have in place of his bladder.

Friday, July 23, 2010

7-4-10 "Happy Fourth of July. The last day I can say I,m 52.. It is good to have friends around your birthday! Good friends, good food and good times were had by all.
Two weeks plus a few days since the last chemo treatment, and my appetite, strength, and mood are getting better. Tammy says, "Thank the Lord for all three."
Another blessing is the men of the church who have been cutting & weeding the grass. I have started to miss the yard work, but I'm thankful I don't have to do it, especially in the heat. Praise God for the men of our church!!

"Praise God from whom all blessing flow."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Round 4

6-11-10 The last big treatment, Hooray!!!. "The nurses are extremely busy today, some are on vacation and there are fill-ins from other cancer treatment centers. We came back from vacation early,(boo hoo) to have this last big treatment.

Tammy went with Ted to the last big treatment. "God knew my schedule and I didn't have to miss much work, except for the 7 hr. treatments. I go to work on Saturday, luckily work has been light and the truck has A/C.

Praise God!. I remember when the locomotives and the trucks did not have a/c. The chemo effect is getting worse, but I'm getting only half of the cisplatin."

6-18-10 "Hip Hip Hooray!!! Last Treatment, Tammy is here with me. She is more excited about me ringing the bell, signally finishing chemo than I am. I will tell you this has been a long trip but without phone calls, cards, letters, notes and prayers and God's love & strength I am sure I could not have made it. I know this is a trial and bigger trials are ahead. I also know he will be with me."

Psalm 103:1-2
Praise the Lord, in my soul: all my innermost beings. Praise his Holy Name. Praise the Lord O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

Praise God, he gave Ted the strength to work through his part of his journey!!

3rd series of chemo starts

5-21-10"This is the start of round 3. I'm becoming old hat at this so, Tammy dropped me off at the treatment room then goes to work. She returned for lunch and also for the trip home. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but it seems a long way off."

Tammy said it was so hard to leave Ted at the oncology center, but he wanted it. Ted is trying hard to not be a burden on anyone. Ted's sister Penny was going to come for this treatment but Ted said he could do it alone. With tears in Tammy's eyes she leaves, Ted is all hooked up and ready to go. The nurses are the most caring and concerned ones Ted/Tammy have ever seen. At the end of each treatment all the patients gets hugs from all the nurses. They are God earth angels Tammy believes.

Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

5-38-10 1 hour treatment of the 3rd series. "I'm thinking after this treatment I get a week off and then start round 4, YEAH!!! I even think about working the holiday. As it gets closer, I think better. One man makes a joke that Chemo is like Drano-for the body. Whew!!

Pastor Nick and his wife Gretchin hug Ted after church and tell him how many people have him lifted him in prayer. Every time Gretchin leads the praise band in the song -All is Well with My Soul- she thinks about Ted and how God is walking with him during this trail.

Ted has received cards from wonderful Christian friends and Ted/Tammy has put them in a scrapbook. Anza Ritter & Wanda Gerald have kept a supply of ginger candy for Ted which keeping him from taking prescription medicine for nausea. Terri Wood a family friend from West Virgina knitted Ted a pray shawl. She prayed for Ted over every stitch. People in churches from W. Va., N.C., S.C., Ohio, Va., and Ky placed Ted on their pray lists. It is amazing how good God is to them.

Second short treatment

5-7-10 "Another short treatment, I soon found out that steroids were my friends. I was a little sick before, during & after the treatment. I was happy when I arrived home that 2 men from the church had cut and weeded the yard. Praise God for that. Even though I have had 4 treatments, (halfway) I realized this is getting harder. I am getting cards, call and notes from church, friends & family. Even text messages that are of Bible scripture. This is very helpful & up lifting."

Psalm 29:11 The Lord will give strength to his people, The Lord will bless his people with peace.

While Ted is taking chemo treatments,Ted/Tammy daily remind themselves of the Bible verse:
Philippians 4-6 Pray about everything: tell God your needs... If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thought and your hearts quiet and at rest as your trust in Christ Jesus.

5-14-10 "This Friday no treatment. THANK GOD!!!. The temperature has started to creep up and that is unusual for this time of year. I continue to work, but with the temp. raising it is getting harder. The good new is more of the work is in early in the day and the a/c is getting a workout when I do get to my office. My in-laws visit, it is good to see them, bit I am easily nauseated by smells. My mother-in-lay is cutting an onion and that's all it takes to send the stomach over & over.

5-15-10 The family goes to eat at Red Lobster, which is Ted's and Barry's favorite restaurant. Ted has been looking forward to some real food. He eats Cajun Chicken Alfredo and it is a joy to see him being able to eat food that is not bland, but at 1:30am he is sick.
Sunday, wondering whether Ted will be able to make it to church. He has such a strong will. The next morning Ted gets up and dresses for church. He loves God and his fellow brothers & sisters in Christ. He stayed for 1/2 the service.
Their friend Phyllis gave Tammy a gift of an insulated lunch bag filled with snacks for her time in Baltimore during Ted's surgery. She is so thoughtful.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back to work

4-12-10 As Ted and Tammy leave Hilton Head, Larry gets all the family together to tell Ted how much the family cares for him. The emotions fly. He prays for Ted...
As they arrive home they are exhausted. Ted is sick all the way home. They only stopped for bathroom and gas. Yet, God gave him the strength to work the next day.

4-13-10 That night was bad. Tammy was concerned but Ted went to work. When she called to check on him his patience was short. It is taking all his strength to just be mobile. He doesn't want to use his energy to express his feelings. When he returned home he was wiped out. Ted went straight to bed.

4-16-10 Today's treatment is a one hour treatment. "I thought it would be a piece of cake", Ted thought. "But I soon found out Gemzas is not desert." I was surprised how a small treatment made me feel worse than a large one. The nurse later told me that with the big treatment I was getting steroids. It makes a big difference. We finished up and headed home. When we got home Tammy accidentally set my lunch box on fire by placing it on the stove. "I don't know if she is giving me a hint that I can't have lunch or what".

Psalms 31:24 Be strong and take heart all you who hope in the Lord.

Our friends Larry & Phyllis sent this to us in a card.

What Cancer Can't Do:
Cancer is so limited
It can not cripple Love
It can not shatter Help
It can not eat away Peace
It can not kill Friendship
It can not shut out Memories
It can not silence Courage
It can not reduce Eternal Life
It can not quench the Spirit
It can not lessen the power of the Resurrection.

4-30-10 Ted said, "My sister, Darlene,and brother-in-law, Larry, arrive to help take care of me for the 2nd full day of chemo. They sat with me at the oncology office and cancer lab while I received the 7 hours of chemo. At lunch they brought me a hamburger". On Friday Larry cut the grass while Ted was at at work. Ted was so very happy because the meds had started to weaken his strength. Some ladies from church surprised them with some food. Ted thought all of it was very good. Tammy passed on the recipes to the family.
Ted and Tammy have been thankful for the help everyone has given them. They pray God will richly bless them, and maybe in the future, Ted and Tammy hope they will be able to do good things for others.

Galations 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Ted is impressed with the saying printed on the walls at each of the chairs in the chemo lab,"ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!"

Tammy thinks her emotional well being has been tested that week because she finally cried on her co-workers shoulders. She said they have been such dear friends.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

1st chemo - ready or not!!!

4-5-10 At the meeting with Dr. Fintel he explains how aggressive the drug are and some side effects. The scheduler informs them that Ted's first chemo can't be on Friday 4-9, they had to attend a training session first. Ted and Tammy were both upset. they were hoping due to his vacation It would give him some rest time before he had to return to work. Ted and Tammy had worked our the chemo dates so that Ted would only miss the lest amount of days from work.
When they arrived to the Oncology dept for their meeting the nurse talked with them about how the chemo can affect different functions of the body. She cautioned them to look for side effects and warning signs. She then said Ted would be getting "the meat and potatoes today". They explained that they were just there for a meeting and she went and got Dr. Fintel. They could see our shocked expression. Ted got his first treatment that day. They didn't have any time to worry or fret about the treatment.

Friday-4-9-2010: Ted's and Tammy's Thoughts on the First 7 Hour Chemo Treatment

Ted and Tammy had the car packed to go on vacation even if it was only going to be a few days with the family. They thought today's doctor's appointment would be for classes and training about chemo. However,the doctor came in and told them that today was the Meat and Potatoes day. Ted thought, O.K. this won't be bad at all. What the doctor meant was Ted was getting both drugs today, Gemzae and Aspatin in a 7hour treatment.
Tammy had to go to get his anti-nausea medication filled. She called Janet to tell her the plans had changed that Ted was unexpectedly getting his first chemo treatment that day. Janet got in touch with the family at the beach so that they would know.
A friend was at the Oncology office with his father. He spent some time with Ted which helped pass the 7 hours.
Being the first treatment Ted didn't know what to expect. He ate and drank nothing. The nurse was surprised he didn't have to go to the bathroom because they had pumped him full of fluids.
They also gave him lots of steroids, which put a bounce in his step. Ted walked out of the session and said, "Lets go to Hilton Head". Hind sight is always better. It probably was not the thing to do. Steroids only last so long, then the side effects kick your butt.
They stopped at Wendy's and then continued on their way to Hilton Head. About 7:00PM Ted started to chill. That lasted about one hour, and around Columbia, SC the chill was replaced with nasusea and fever. They arrived at HH about midnight and finally got some relief with ice packs and meds. That continued until Saturday when he ate a nice dinner. After dinner the nausea returned until the next morning. Sunday afternoon he watched the Masters golf tournement on TV. On Monday, Tammy and family packed the car and Tammy drove them home. The rest of the week was not too bad until the next treatment.

God knows our needs

Ted & Tammy had plans to meet the family in Hilton Head for a week in April. Ted had to put his vacation time in back in November. The week was 4-10 thru 4-17. As they started to put in the dates for chemo they realized Ted had asked for the wrong week off.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord They are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.

Ted wrote: Even now I look back to setting vacation in Early Nov. 09. God knew that I needed time off and when. The time frame from UVA to Johns Hopkins was very short because of a cancellation. The chemo appts were in his hands. Even now my vacation was for the exact time I needed to be off from work. God is good all the time, all the time God id good.

Ted and Tammy needed some cheering up and God sent it in the form of a neighbor's child. Sarah is 8 years old, she has always enjoyed coming to visit Ted & Tammy. One day the doorbell rings, Sarah is there with 2 apples for us, we talk and then she runs away when her mother Kristina comes to visit. Sarah comes back a few minutes later with 2 bananas for us. Again she runs off to home. She comes back with a pitcher of lemonade. We set her down at the bar and enjoyed the lemonade. A few days passed and Sarah saw Ted cutting the grass. She comes by to leave a present, a stuffed unicorn. God sent her to cheer us up.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

God will lead, if you let him

3-9-10 On the way home from Baltimore Ted said that 85% survival rate is not bad. he doesn't want chemo, he is scared. Gloria called and was surprised that the doctor was doing chemo up front, but said we would get through it. She said the family will start praying that God will grant Ted an easy time going through chemo. At times Tammy needs to let Ted process what is going to happen. She knew she wanted that 95% survival rate. (Sometimes she is strong for the both of them.-Penny)

3-11-10 Dr. Schmidt called verifying that Sr. Schoenburg ordered chemo treatment before surgery. He recommended Dr. William Fintel. Ted and Tammy had heard great things about Dr. Fintel. A co-worker told Tammy that Dr. Fintel wrote a book titled "Cancer A medical & spiritual guide for patients & their families."

Traveling to Baltimore

Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing. But in everything be prayer and supplication. With Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.3-8-10

Ted and Tammy traveled to Baltimore to see Dr. Schoenburg at Johns Hopkins. They said neither one of them slept that night and they were 1 1/2 hours early for the appointment. They knew family were praying continuously for them.
The nurse comes out and asks everyone to be patient they are running 30 minutes late.

They finally met Dr. Schoenburg and his staff. They are impressed immediately with him. He is down to earth and he is easy to talk to. He explained the risk of not having the bladder removed. 50% survival rate. With the bladder removed and chemo there is a 90-95% survival. Without chemo there is a 85% survival rate. The reason chemo first is to try and stop the cancer cells from floating out to attack other organs.
Tammy didn't have to answer any of the questions she had written down, because Dr. Schoenburg answered the questions before she had to ask. He wants Ted to lose 40-50 lbs. WOW that's alot of weight.
Surgery would last 4 hours. 5-7 days in the hospital. Recovery at home for 4 months. But he feels Ted will have a normal life after the surgery. The doctor said the this surgery will knock you on your butt, for about a year.

They are impressed with Dr. Schoenburg.

Proverb's 3 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on you own understanding In all your ways acknowledge him and He shall direct your path.How true this verse is to us. He led us to Dr. Schoenburg.

God opening doors

2-25-10 Tammy is not at peace with the surgery options. She feels God is leading them to seek additional opinions. Two co-workers Kathy and Meagen talk to her about Johns Hopkins and its reputation. She felt like the Holy Spirit was encouraging her. She went to JH's website then emailed Dr. Mark Schoenburg. The doctor forwards my email to his nurse to set up an appointment. (The goosebumps are popping as I dictate this-Penny) Within 4 hours the nurse calls back with an opening due to a cancellation on 3-9-10. She stated that cancellation are very unusually.

Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find: knock and the door will be opened to you".

Tammy calls Ted and she is so excited and in amazement that everything happened so smoothly and so quickly. Ted said NO. He only has Monday's off and the appointment is not on a Monday.

If you can't hear God in the tough stuff of your life it's unlikely you will hear him in the good stuff.

On 2-28-10 All three of Ted's sisters call and encourage him to take the appointment. Janet told Ted that when she relayed his story and how the contact with Dr. Schoenburg was paved there was not a dry eye in her Sunday School class. After talking with Janet; Ted asked Tammy to give him a copy of all the emails. As he read them tears appeared in his eyes. He realized that God is present in this journey and there is hope in their future.

3-7-10 Our friends Larry & Phyllis give us a book titled "God is in the tough stuff.
Some passages from the book: God doesn't remove the difficulty and the pain, but He will be there with you through it all.
God's continued presence with you is one of His presents to you.
Ted wrote: In Late January 2010 Dr. Schmidt invited me to his second office. His scheduling nurse asked be about any preferred days for a CT Scan and appt. All I could think about was this was going to be the last snow on the mountains I would ever see. Then I remembered Psalms 121: "I will lift my eyes to the hills from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." The peace that came over me was amazing. I was able to gather myself and make the appts. We must remember God is in Control.

James 5: 13-14 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing Praises. "Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church. and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.2-21-10

After Sunday Church they talked with Pastor Nick. He wanted to know the decision of surgery. Ted/Tammy explained that their impression of Dr. Theedoreus wasn't great. They were leaning towards the less invasive surgery, bladder scrapping. Pastor Nick prayed with them for guidance to make the right decision.

2-22-10 Called for another consultation with Dr. Schmidt. Also a Christian friend Mary Lynn called and told Ted about her father and his decision to do the bladder scrapping. He had to go back every two years to do it again. He passed away in 2009 from cancer. She encouraged Ted to have the surgery to remove the bladder.

II Thessalonians 3:5 May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper understanding of the Lord of God and of the patience that comes from Christ.
All the surgeries Dr. Theedoreus explained will change Ted's qualify of life forever.

II Corinthians 4:8-9 We are pressed on every side by troubles but we are not crushed and broken. We are perplexed but we don't give up and quit. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going.

2-23-10 Tammy finally decided to email Ray Moore. She asked if he would share his story with them. She explained the diagnosis Ted had received. They also talked about seeing Dr. Theedoreus at UVA.
Ray emailed back and said that he had met with Dr. Theedoreus and he had decided to go with Johns Hopkins because Dr. Theedorues was moving to Colorado in August.

2-24-10 Ray and Ted talk on the phone. Ray had done a lot of research on the 3 different types of surgeries. Johns Hopkins had been named by U.S. World and News Report as the top center for urologic cancer. Ray contacted the Director of Urologic Oncology Dept. Dr. Mark Schoenberg. His protocol is for the patient to have 6-8 rounds of chemo treatments before the surgery.

Jeremiah 2:9-11 "For I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


This blog is to inform all of you how the journey started and all the experiences Ted/Tammy went through to the present. After reading the inspirational poem of the footprints in the same it reminded Tammy how awesome God is and how he works in our lives. He is always by our side to help us. He will truly carry us through out lowest and saddest times in life.

11-11-09 Ted had an appointment with Dr. Schmidt in Roanoke, Va. The doctor told him that further tests needed to be run to determine the cause of blood in his urine.

12-21-10 X-rays and Cystocscope, Dr. Schmidt found a tumor in the bladder. Outpatient surgery would be scheduled 1-19-10 to remove tunor and do a biopsy; because of the holidays the surgery could not be scheduled any sooner. Since Tammy had 3 yrs. previously had bladder cancer they were somewhat knowledgable.

Tammy's sister-in-law knew what was happening. She is a nurse and she had been the one to strongly encourage Ted to see a urologist. When Gloria called to hear the results she was concerned but didn't express her feelings until Ted/Tammy had the results.

1-17-10 Ted called to tell his 3 sisters. We are suppose to tell each other any news about health issues, but that doesn't allows happen; not just Ted's way but all of us want to protect each other from worry. We all need to work on "NOT WORRYING" and putting it in God's hands.

1-19-10 Dr. Schmidt told Ted/Tammy before the surgery that he was 80% positive the tumor would be cancerous. It shocked Tammy so much she wanted to grab hold of Ted and run for the hills as we say in W. Va. After the surgery Dr. Schmidt showed pictures of the tumor before and after. He stated it was bigger than he had anticipated, but he felt like he had removed all the tumor. He promised the pathology report would be back on Friday 1-22-10. When Tammy called to tell both sides of the family that Ted had cancer that was a hard conversation to have.

1-21-10 Dr. Schmidt's office called requesting Ted that come into their office for a chest x-ray and CT Scan on 1-22-10, but still no results from the surgery.

1-22-10 Dr. Schmit's office calls and leaves a message the both of us needed to come into his office to discuss the results and our options. Tammy's friends at work all expressed concerns and inquired when would we get the results.

In the book of Hebrews it references angels ministering to God's redeemed by watching over the saints-assisting God in answering prayers, delivering us from danger, and giving encouragement and protecting children.

On 1-27-10 Today the angels had their hands full.

Tammy/Ted met with Dr. Schmidt who delivered the bad news. He told them the cancer had invaded the bladder wall. He used plain terms to describe what treatment Ted would need. Ted would have to have his bladder remeoved and a new bladder reconstructed. A bomb went off in our lives because things had changed and more changes were to talke place.
Tammy is sure angels were present - both of them started to cry as they looked at each other, then they were able to compose themselves.
He scheduled an appointment with Dr. Thoeodoresu at UVA for 2-19-10 which would be 30 days after the previous surgery to give Ted time to heal.

We were in separate cars because we drove from work. On Wed.'s we go out to eat at Pizza Hut and on to church. Tammy wasn't sure how she would get through that. She stops her car and calls Gloria to tell her the results. She knew Ted couldn't see her and she could show her fear. Gloria was wonderful and able to reason with her, "thank God she said". Gloria said that through God's help we will get through this. She told Tammy that survival for bladder cancer was good.

Tammy called Penny-Ted's sister to tell her the results and once again Tammy could hardly talk about the results. Penny called Darlene and Janet Ted's other 2 sisters because Ted could not answer alot of questions at that time. He needed time to process.

At they tried to eat and talk, they were numb from the news, she said she couldn't tell you a thing that went on around them. At church she didn't hear a word of the sermon for replaying all that Dr. Schmidt had just told them. Tammy said that she knew that they were suppose to pray for healing but she thought they had been handed an impossible assignment.

God placed Larry & Phyliss, Mason & Linda 4 of our dearest friends around us in church that night. They inquired about the test and when we told them they immediately took them under their wings and prayed for God's guidance. Senior Pastor Nick, the Elders, and Deacons gathered around Ted and prayed for healing.

1-30-10 Tammy's birthday, Ted always likes to surprise her with a special gift. He gave her a silver and gold ruby bracelet. She said that she loved it, but inside is thinking we need to save money for all the medical bills that are coming. Also Ted and Tammy had a cruise planned for the western caribbean on 10-17-10.

1-30-10 Tammy's co-workers tell her about an article in the Roanoke Times today about a teacher from Salem High School named Ray Moore. He is going through the same type of cancer as Ted but his treatment is a lot different. Everyone wants to know why so much different?

2-19-10 Ted/Tammy met with Dr. Thordoreus, he is very knowledgable but they get this uneasy feeling that God was not guiding them to this docotr. He presented 3 surgery options, but they don't like any of the choices. After they leave they decide to get a 3rd opinion.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Starting the Blog

Good Morning,
I am starting the blog for Ted so that we will be able to keep track of his journey. This journey started many months ago and has been filled with challenges, new experiences and feelings of uncertainity. The one thing constant is God's love and grace. Please pray with us as this journey continues to unfold.
Ted's schedule:
7-5 Ted's birthday
7-12 CT Scan and MRI
7-16 Results from Tests
7-19 Meeting with Anesthesiologist in Baltimore
7-29 Last scope before surgery in Baltimore
7-9 Surgery 7:00 at Johns Hospkins

I will post items as soon as I know any information.
Thanks for all the prayers.